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Version: v11.9.0

WaveMaker 10.7.3 - Release date: 12 July 2021

WaveMaker releases an update with bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with GoogleMaps prefab showing only the RoadMap view in preview, even when selecting the Map View Type as Satellite, Terrain, or Hybrid.
  • Fixed an issue related to an application deployed in root context with OpenID authentication.
  • Fixed an issue related to the DateTime widget not opening appropriately when modifying via date picker.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Chips widget with min char value set to 0 in Live Form field, for example, that loads a widget dropdown by default.


  • Fixed an issue related to the onChange event not triggering when you select all and use the delete or backspace key to empty the field.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Text widget's Display format that inserts data with the entered format data into the database.
  • Fixed an issue related to the LiveForm with Tabs/Accordion changes disappearing when you save the Form via Advanced Settings.

Data Table

  • Fixed an issue related to expanding the Menu widget in a Data Table column hiding behind the row cell when added via the value expression method.
  • Fixed an issue related to keys usage in Data Table, including arrow, enter, and escape keys not working in quick edit mode after saving a row.

Currency Widget

  • Fixed an issue related to the Currency widget not placing zeros at the assigned decimal point, even though Allow Trailing Zeros is set to true.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Currency widget's localization when set to Financial input mode.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Currency widget's Reset method throwing an error in Form when set to Financial input mode.


  • Fixed an issue related to the Currency widget displaying the numeric keypad instead of the alphanumeric keypad in mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue related to infinite scroll not working when the List widget is inside a Dialog widget.
  • Fixed an issue related to custom success handler for logout action variable navigating to login page instead of the configured one.

Technology Stack

UI Frameworks

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery3.3.1
MVC Frameworkangular9.1.12
Built-in functionslodash4.17.11
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.8

Optimised jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Backend Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework5.3.5
Security frameworkSpring Security5.4.5
XSSAntisamy Framework1.6.3
Java JSON utilitiesGson2.8.6
DB Persistence libraryHibernate5.4.31
Sample databaseHSQL2.5.1
JSON libraryJackson2.11.3
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.30
Http client libraryHttpComponentshttpclient- 4.5.13 httpmime- 4.5.6
REST API annotationsSwagger1.3.10
Date Time FrameworkJava 8 Date/Time API
Json Librariescom.tdunning1.8
Servlet Framework3.1

Runtime Environment

Weblogic12c (12.1.3)
WebSphere9.0.5 (BASE)
Tomcat8.5.x, 9.x
Cordova (mobile apps) Android iOS10.0.0 9.0.0 6.1.0

This is the default Tomcat runtime support. Apps can be deployed to any standard Java Web Server running on JDK 1.8. For more information, see here.